Judy A. Camarena, M.S., LMFT
Judy Camarena specializes in treating relationship issues of all types. For Adults, personal relationships such as marriage, premarital counseling, and parenting. Judy works with adult individuals and couples to help them achieve their best possible relationships. Judy also counsels adults for their professional relationships. She believes in helping clients bring forth the best of themselves in their search for conflict resolution and personal growth. Her approach to treatment is systemically oriented and strength based.
Judy has extensive experience working with children and adolescents utilizing individual and family therapy. Tender care is provided for overcoming Depression, Anxiety, Loss/Grief, Separation/Divorce, Parent-Child challenges, Blended family challenges, Pre-marital counseling. Judy sensitively treats Inter-racial, cultural, and ethnic relationship concerns and has Women's groups and Teen Groups. These groups provide hope, support, an aid for self discovery (insight), and resources. Judy is fluent in both English and Spanish.